The problem
The water quality of Puget Sound and local streams is threatened by land-disturbing development projects. These often do not comply with laws and best practices for water quality protection, stormwater management, wetland delineation, and wetland and stream buffer protection. Adding to the problem, review agencies accept submittals at face value without checking models and calculations. Once the project is built, post-construction enforcement of environmental conditions is often lax. The process of project application, review, and appeal is stacked in favor of land development.
What we do
Our experts review permit submittals, engineering diagrams and calculations, wetland and critical area drawings and reports, and meet with local community members. We try to get the best outcome possible, providing review letters and comments, and filing legal appeals. As a result of our work, natural areas have been protected, and we have funded construction of rain gardens to benefit local water quality.
How you can help
Do you have technical expertise, in law, engineering, or wetlands science? We would be happy to have your help. No specific expertise but you would like to help? Donate to help us or sign up to help with community organizing.
Project reviews and appeals
- Ironwood – 13.3 acre wooded ravine, headwaters stream, priority wildlife habitat, to be logged and filled for housing development
- Snow Ridge – housing development affecting Martha Lake Creek, Swamp Creek, and Filbert Road
- Index-Galena Road – proposal to reconstruct washed-out road in channel migration road of South Fork Skykomish River
- Logan Woods – residential development on tributary to Swamp Creek
- Pinecrest Point – residential development off Cypress Way potentially impacting Swamp Creek and City Light tower
- Frognal Estates – development on steep slope in Picnic Point watershed; logging permitted before buildable design approved.
- 43rd Ave Extension – Snohomish County road project proposing mitigation in remote watershed from area of impact
- Keller Farms mitigation bank “fee in lieu” program – SnoCo proposing developers pay money vs mitigate impacted area
- Paine Field airport wetland rezone