2020 Monitoring Wrap-UpWe only had about 2 COVID-free months (at least we thought they were) at the beginning of 2020. COVID-19 put a stop to almost all of our activities for a while. People with their own monitoring kits were able to get out and do some monitoring, and after a while, we figured out some ways to safely water monitor. Despite the near-shutdown, in 2020, we came up with new monitoring guidelines and managed to submit 179 Water Chemistry records and 117 Bacteria records to Global Water Watch.
We also switched to a new teaching model, using Zoom for the classroom, and small-group practical sessions, each person with their own kit and table. We were able to do workshops with members of the public, Edmonds College, youth program Unleash the Brilliance, Duwamish Tribe Ridge to River project, and others.
Here are our workshop numbers from 2020:
If you are not monitoring, or would like to resume monitoring, feel free to get in touch. We have additional Zoom classes and field training sessions planned for January and February. We can also loan out monitoring kits or get you into a rotation with a kit.
2021 Plans This year we plan to offer more workshops, help overcome any barriers that people may have for monitoring, give you more outreach tools, and increase our monitoring. In 2020, we were able to do a little BIBI (Benthic Index of Biotic Integrity) sampling, and plan to do more of that in summer 2021. If you would like to see the results from our sampling so far, you can go to this site, and search under projects for “Sno-King Watershed Council Benthic Monitoring”:https://pugetsoundstreambenthos.org/Biotic-Integrity-Scores.aspx?Agency-Project=Sno-King%20Watershed%20Council%3A%20Sno-King%20Benthic%20Monitoring
Monitor meeting – January 26, 7 pm
We will have a “virtual meeting” via Zoom on Tuesday, January 26. This will be a chance to connect, learn about 2021 plans, ask about training and recertification, and any other questions you might have.
Here is a link to the meeting invitation:
Topic: Sno-King Water Watchers Monitor Meeting
Time: Jan 26, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: 575935
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