Rain Gardens



If you would like a rain garden in your yard, or know someone who would, the Sno-King Watershed Council (SKWC), in cooperation with Farmer Frog, King County, and EarthCorps, is taking applications for free or reduced cost rain gardens in the Swamp Creek. See the application form at the bottom of the page. We are getting to the end of this project, so funds are limited. Contact us via e-mail at snokingwatershedcouncil@gmail.com to see if rain gardens are still available.

Another resource for rain garden funding is the mini-grants program that Stewardship Partners<http://www.12000raingardens.org/gsi-mini-grants/> is leading. Individuals can get up to $1,500 reimbursement for costs of installing rain gardens or cisterns (within the King County Waste Treatement Division service area<https://www.kingcounty.gov/services/environment/grants-and-awards/waterworks/eligibility/mapping-tools.aspx>, which includes most of the Swamp Creek Basin).

Money for construction of the rain gardens we are offering comes from a combination of funding sources. We have received a $20,000 grant from King County Councilmember Rod Dembowski via King County’s Water Treatment Division Waterworks grant program. We also received funding for rain gardens in Snohomish County from a $175,000 citizen Clean Water Act settlement agreement between the SKWC, the organization Waste Action Project, and Snohomish County.

The settlement agreement concerns Snohomish County’s allowing construction of a 5-acre parking lot at Paine Field without permits or stormwater treatment.  More information on the Clean Water Act settlement can be read at: http://www.heraldnet.com/news/illegal-parking-lot-highlights-silt-problems-in-area-streams/

This will be a turn-key operation for rain garden construction that will help improve the water quality in the Swamp Creek drainage basin.  This is a onetime offer that will expire when the money is exhausted.

Minimum Requirements:

  1. Site must be in the Swamp Creek Drainage Basin;
  2. Site cannot already have some stormwater flow control or water quality treatment;
  3. Property Owner must commit to maintain and not remove the rain garden; and
  4. Site must be residential and not a commercial or industrial property.

To apply, please complete the attached application form.  Farmer Frog will review the applications and if they find that your site is a good potential project location, they will conduct a site visit to inspect your property for suitability for rain garden construction.

All applications will be ranked, with highest ranked properties receiving the rain garden installation.  We prioritize applications from underserved & low-income populations.

Click the link below to download the application (you may have to click through twice):

Landowner Application Agreement FF


Our work is 100% funded by donations and grants. Please click on our “Donate” button and donate today!

(picture of rain garden courtesy of WSU extension rain garden web page)

Thanks to King County and Council Member Rod Dembowski for their support of rain gardens!