Late August bio-monitoring for Global Water Watch on Swamp Creek and Little Swamp Creek in Bothell and Kenmore. So much fun! Marilyn Snutson, Jeffrey, Staci Adman and Eric Adman.
The Sno-King Watershed Council (SKWC) has appealed the Snohomish County Airport’s Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) decision to construct a stormwater detention pond in a high value Category II wetland near Paine Field and the headwaters of Swamp Creek. We are asking the County to withdraw its DNS and prepare an […]
Squire’s Landing Park Riparian Restoration A $70,000 SRFB grant was given to the Sno-King Watershed Council, partnering with the City of Kenmore and Adopt-A-Stream Foundation to initiate restoration of riparian forest habitat at the confluence of the Sammamish River and Swamp Creek. The long term goal of this effort is […]
From My Edmonds News… By a unanimous 6-0 vote, the Edmonds City Council Tuesday night agreed to recommend a 100-foot interim setback be incorporated into the state-required Shoreline Master Program. City staff is preparing to submit the state-required Shoreline Master Program update to the Department of Ecology, and one of […]