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Sno-King Watershed Council is appealing the Subject Planning and Development (PDS) decision to allow differences to be made to the Snow Ridge development site (permit #18*113924-SPA). The current plan is to install 26 residential units on 3.94 acres on 3101 and 1307 Filbert Road (SR-524) in Lynnwood. SKWC has collected enough data to show that this will negatively impact stormwater flows and overtake an already over-whelmed stormwater system. SKWC asked PDS to change the current plans to 16 units instead of 26, allowing more surface area for water catchment and reducing the flow rate of water runoff. PDS was unwilling to change the permit forcing SKWC to appeal the decision.

We are concerned about the following:
- The excess runoff from heavy rains will be worse than what was seen during our last atmospheric river causing roads to flood.
- The current permit is not using the most recent Stormwater Manuel which would address the stormwater issue. There are several violations of county code and the county’s own stormwater municipal permit.
- The runoff with current permit will increase the concentration of pollution and sediment into Martha Lake Creek and Swamp Creek. Both of these creeks have supported juvenile salmon and trout, including the threatened kokanee.
A telephonic hearing will be for oral argument will be held Wednesday March 18th.

We are working hard to keep developers accountable, protect our public spaces, and our right to clean water. We need help from our supporters. Please make a donation to help us cover our legal fees by going to our donation page: http://snokingwatershedcouncil.org/donations/
100% our your donation goes to helping us protect our streams and habitat. Thank you for your continued support and stay tuned for updates.

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