Needed just as is

The world’s ice is melting. Forests–4.4 million acres since 1990–are disappearing. Sockeye salmon on the Cedar River are on the brink of extinction. The Southern Resident Killer Whales are in trouble, too. Stormwater runoff threatens the health of our watersheds.

It can all be a lot to wrap one’s mind and heart around sometimes.

So we head out to reconnect with the natural world and ourselves.

We are just at the beginning of new-to-us terrain. It’s steep going down. And filled with an abundance of healthy sword ferns.

We make it to the bottom of a ravine. The soil looks saturated here.

Still-bare branches criss cross the sky. We have a snack.

And admire the lushness and variety of mosses growing nearby.

We move on and meet a wetland.

Where skunk cabbage beguiles us with its lemon yellow bloom. We think of the sun, yellow rain boots, and rubber ducks in the bath.

Does this seem like a good place to build a road? To build anything? We think it is important and valuable just how it is, so we say no.

We also don’t think it’s a good place to leave a car. We note that nature is taking over. Nature is resilient if given a chance.

It does feel a bit spooky to come upon large abandoned objects–so many questions, so few answers–so we move on quickly.

The variety of forms life uses to express itself is a wonder to behold.

Our lungs are full of fresh air, our hearts with renewed hope. It is time to scale the steep slope and return home.

Yes, this place, nestled between neighborhoods, is just right as is. And needed just as is. It doesn’t want to be a place for a road. It doesn’t need to be either.

Past Posts on the 14th Ave W Extension

No to the 14th Ave W Extension: Additional Talking Points
14th Ave W Extension Talking Points
14th Ave W Extension: SKWC Community Presentation
NO to the Right-of-Way Plan for 14th Ave W Extension: 220th St SE to Locust Way
SKWC Opposition to the 14th Ave W Extension