Join Sno-King Watershed Council, in partnership with the City of Kenmore, for habitat restoration in Wallace Swamp Creek Park on Sunday, April 28 from 11 am – 2 pm! All ages welcome. Volunteers under 18, please contact us for a guardian consent form if you won’t bring a grown up […]
snoking watershed
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Public Comment session with the County Council yesterday! Attached is the article from the Herald on the Frognal development, published this morning. Mr. Lakhani is trying to put the best spin on a bad situation. It has been over a year since the Alderwood […]
We need your help! Consider making a donation today! Sno-King Watershed Council is appealing the Subject Planning and Development (PDS) decision to allow differences to be made to the Snow Ridge development site (permit #18*113924-SPA). The current plan is to install 26 residential units on 3.94 acres on 3101 and […]
BAD DEVELOPMENT HALTED On February 18, 2020 Snohomish County Hearing Examiner Peter Camp abruptly halted Sno-King Watershed Council’s (SKWC) appeal hearing of the Snow Ridge Development, to allow the developer time to re-design its project to address landslide hazards missed by Snohomish County in its approval of the project. Snow […]
Frognal Estates, formerly known as Horseman’s Trail, is a proposed single-family subdivision project for 112 lots. It is an assembly of three currently forested parcels totaling 22.34 acres in the Picnic Point neighborhood, an area between Mukilteo and Edmonds. SnoKing Watershed Council (SKCW) represented members in the Picnic Point Creek […]
The Sno-King Watershed Council just received a $10,000 grant from the Rose Foundation to implement a volunteer water monitoring program. The grant will fund equipment purchase, volunteer training, data collection and data sharing. Our intent is to inspire local citizen and student involvement, highlight stormwater and water quality issues affecting […]
Squire’s Landing Park Riparian Restoration A $70,000 SRFB grant was given to the Sno-King Watershed Council, partnering with the City of Kenmore and Adopt-A-Stream Foundation to initiate restoration of riparian forest habitat at the confluence of the Sammamish River and Swamp Creek. The long term goal of this effort is […]
Ah, the Garden Giant. He’s a jolly fellow who roams around your garden at night tossing mulch as he merrily skips along, helping your veggies grow lush and tall. Not quite. The Garden Giant is actually a species of mushroom, scientifically known as Stropharia rugosoannulata, that may hold a key […]
The Sno-King Watershed Council came about after meetings in Kenmore and Lake Forest Park regarding a stream flowing into Lake Washington. This stream, designated 08-0056, or known as Tschet Schatl or Little Creek, flows into Lake Washington in Log Boom Park in Kenmore. These meetings incorporated people from local government […]